The 17th symptom of Ken Lum’s mirror maze piece (currently at the VAG) is profound dizziness, followed by the person behind you rolling you out of there back into the daylight. Utterly discombobulated, gallery s-waves til exit, accompanied by feelings of up da chuck, which settle to fever. Glad I saw the signage first.
Rebecca Belmore: Statement of Defense
Here is a link to a video of a performance by artist Rebecca Belmore outside the VAG yesterday at 3pm
The performance, as I understand it, relates to a lawsuit she is facing from her ex-dealer.
The performance is very moving and I found the sound the plastic makes against the urban sound of cars compelling, it crackles and has a rhythmic sound not unlike money. Even on impact when she drops the parcels with the quilt inside there an interesting and punctuating thud.
There will be more news on this, including a website where people can help out and support her, this information should be available shortly.
Facebook page for Rebecca Belmore Legal Fund now set up here Press release to follow shortly.