Anakana Schofield

Part 2: Footstep storm

Subsequent to the Horse Hoof Weather Event yesterday I was forced to declare the promised wind speeds a bust. We declared them a bust at 8.04pm. There were closer to 33 km/h than 90 km/h and we were not ungrateful for that. In anticipation of the big 9-0 I took my hoofs down to the community garden and chopped down all the forest-high fennel that would not have survived one gust at that speed. Alfie Cyril and his brother Darwin (cochons d’Inde/guinea pigs/cavy creatures) upstairs think it’s Christmas since they received an enormous amount of fennel for supper.  The garden was flooded and this was before the latter part of the storm.

Today a second system is scheduled to arrive with 100km/h winds. We can estimate they’ll be closer to 35 km/h based on yesterday. However this is the trouble with us, we then get battered by unsuspecting storm as we did back in 2006. I have revised this weather event to a more appropriate name than Horse Hoof, she’s now Footstep Weather Event. Will she, won’t she? The hesitant boxer?

Yesterday was a wonderful collective effort on the weather watching front, we had reports from Victoria and Nanaimo that gave us wind of what was on the way. I think the federal government should pop me in an out of commission lighthouse and I’ll podcast poetic interpretations on the weather to the nation. I would though want a postal service, which may not suit them.

What’s your weather doing?


I have several reviews from the UK of Malarky to catch up on.  Am behind. But ahead of the storm! And the country always relies on its novelists and poets in the matter of weather. We have your back. (and ears)