Anakana Schofield

Much to say about our Taxi! event. I am still getting messages via Facebook from people and I greatly appreciate them. I’ve never done anything like this event before. Unfortunately I am too exhausted too write the way I’d like to about the night right now, but will. Indeed I am too tired to go to the new BLIM opening that I’d been looking forward to, which is the closing of our show Storage.

Helen was thrilled with the event. Another thing hearing it read aloud was how excellent the prose is, I knew that when I read it but hearing those extracts on Thursday it became even stronger. There were wonderful personal stories that were part of the readings (Annabel/family. Julie/unemployment/work shitty day. Marina/Intervention/the hand, the five dollar bill, the stain & more) They seamlessly integrated to and from the text. Employment is a rich, complicated and frustrating experience in Vancouver. I had a great conversation and post-mortem on Friday morn with Julie, Nirajan and Jane and in that discussion we agreed there was something specifically peculiar about the experience here.  I’d like to do another event that would seek to examine that in the same multi-media way (eg: not just readings, but music and other contributions, including yo yo tricks).

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