Anakana Schofield

Metro-Herald Review

Metro Herald Review-page-001

I was delighted to learn of this review (click multiple times on image & it will be readable) for Malarky from a bookseller at Hodges Figgis (sp?) book shop on Dame Street. The reviewer it turns out hails originally from Longford (and thus would be reliable on the turn of phrase and made no objection to the humour.). He interviewed me after the review and I appreciated his lively questions, exchange and insights on the book. It especially meant a great deal when he said of Himself  in Malarky “I know that man”. Another reader who lives now in Vancouver but hails from rural Ireland, Co Cork I think it was said the same of Himself.  This review was the loveliest surprise I can’t tell you. I particularly loved that it would be in the hands of people en route to work or going about their day. I have great faith in readers and the idea Our Woman might meet a few on the bus was uplifting. Thank you to the book seller who told me of this and to Daragh Reddin for his enthusiasm.


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