Anakana Schofield

Low, low dense clouds. Overcast. The kind of overcast that hints at snow, yet it is seven degrees. Quelle tease.


Last night in a fun, spontaneous outing to watch some kids play beginner jazz music, (charmant- charmante -charmants), two women admired my knitting and biceps. Can there be any better accolade? If we knit will we get those biceps? one asked. I had to confess precisely what kind of knitting they’d get if they knitted the way I do. “eccentric” is the adjective my capable knitting friend uses. “disastrous” would be my own. I resisted adding “er what biceps?”

Some hot ports & good Connemara company later,  I discovered a misjudgement on the size of the ribbing on the two additional, eccentric front panels of the vest. A significant disparity! Oh dear it’s actually beyond eccentric at this point. V hard to edit knitting, rather your mistakes are recorded like permanent bruises. The joy will come after for the interpreters of those bruises. When I look at the errors once it is finished, I will remember the sound track of what or who I was listening to as I knitted that section.

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