Anakana Schofield

If you fancy taking up the needles, there are some very nifty knitting patterns on the V&A website from the 1940’s. 

The body warmer and the “long socks” are intriguing. But I particularly love the stylish waistcoast indicated at the above link.


I am reading George Stanley’s long poem Vancouver: a poem. I commenced reading it on an eliptical machine the other day. Unfortunately I had my elbow leaning on the incline button which had hit level 14 just when I read the line: “stuck stuck stuck what kind of feeling down in …”

From now on I will only read George when walking on the pavement, rather than above the pavement. This is certainly a poem to walk with, to be walked with, to be walked by. I will not read George’s poem when I put a jet pack on. I am committed to this.


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