Anakana Schofield

My affection for the Fraser River grows after spending supper with an exquisite view of it. Nearly a 180 degree view, above it. I always enjoy the sight of industry along it in our increasing sanitized condo-fied city where everything has become so developer and real estate-led. Sometimes I wonder what will happen if there are no commercial/industrial zoned lands, if they all become rezoned  for savvy condo developers. I get this top heavy picture of people housed in high rises and no jobs underneath to pay for them.

BC rivers keep popping up in the various novels I’ve been reading, mainly as industrial intersections and entry points to industry. (Sometimes just passing mentions of their geographic positioning) I enjoy these working river depictions.


Ken Loach was interviewed on BBC this week about the London Riots. He made some apt points about the rioters being described (appallingly in my opinion) by British politicians as a “feral underclass”, he described them as working class youth with no work.

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