Anakana Schofield

Gardening Confidential

I’d like to recommend a watch of this Gardening Confidential documentary on doczone at CBC website. You’ll have to scrowl down and select it.

Look out for the 5 foot carrots grown in Manchester. I was particularly revved by the allotments. I think next to a washing machine, an allotment is something I would have true ambitions for.

Last summer I spent some time in a friend’s allotment near Dun Laoghaire and was so impressed by the incredible cultivation and the raised bumps of potatoes and all kinds of stuff growing in there. Powerful looking onions and cabbages and what have you. It was really like being in the presence of the divine, wandering about and admiring what people had cultivated.

One of the great pleasures of age has to be the appeal of other peoples gardens and the appreciation of the wonder of a sturdy carrot and a belly sized beetroot.



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