Anakana Schofield

Greenshirt gangle

OK so that previous attempt to warm up did not work, however this complete headbanger in the Green shirt x 2 with his arm flailing has raised my temp 1 degree…


I am so cold that it’s time for a bit of Buzzcocks and try to imagine people jumping about, tossing their heads as a form of heating. Nice flat, less than tuneful version, just so musical purpose of song is not distracting to telepathically increase blood flow. Jump. Jump. Jump


Shocking! I overlooked another single mention of the word Woman. Brace yourself … under the FAMILY section.

2. 1° In particular, the State recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved.
2° The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home.

Article 45.

I just had a read of Bunreacht Na hEireann — amazing what you’ll succumb to in someone else’s house when you can’t figure out how to turn on the telly.

There are two mentions of women in it, both under article 45.  Directive Principles of Social Policy.

Here they are:

2. The State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards


That the citizens (all of whom, men and women
equally, have the right to an adequate means of
livelihood) may through their occupations find the
means of making reasonable provision for their
domestic needs.

Article 45. 4.

2° The State shall endeavour to ensure that the
strength and health of workers, men and women, and
the tender age of children shall not be abused and that
citizens shall not be forced by economic necessity to
enter avocations unsuited to their sex, age or strength.

It is probably worth noting that just about every aspect of Article 45 top to bottom has been contravened under the current state of affairs and NAMA-rating.

Note loudly via a trumpet outside Dail Eireann. Article 45. 2. (three parts)

That the ownership and control of the material
resources of the community may be so distributed
amongst private individuals and the various
classes as best to subserve the common good.

That, especially, the operation of free competition
shall not be allowed so to develop as to result in
the concentration of the ownership or control of
essential commodities in a few individuals to the
common detriment.

That in what pertains to the control of credit the
constant and predominant aim shall be the
welfare of the people as a whole.

Google, wonderfully, has spelt the title wrong … as Bunreacht Na hIreann.


There have been three different varieties of rain since yesterday.

There is a wind warning in effect for this afternoon.

Tie your bonnets on.

Hold on to your britches.



All the news across the pond is cuts, cuts, and draconian cuts. For some reason last night I was thinking of that old telly program The Boys of The Blackstuff, it being redolent of being on the dole.

Another fog forecast this night, with an overnight low of 6 degrees, which I think it our lowest nighttime low so far this season.

In other news: The Greenhouse contraption is thriving, sort of. There are cucumbers in there, sort of. And each day a new bean greets me. It’s dotey my little contraption and has been happy with the recent light. Mad cap projects on a whim highly advised!

The leaves on the streets are so delightful this week, they being of the dry variety, rather than the treacle they turn into when it rains.

This years Farmer’s 2011 Almanac — hot off the shelf here — predicts that the Nov -March period will be colder in BC, with higher than normal snowfall.

In contrast snowfall will be below normal in the Maritime provinces.

Thus we shall be expecting shipments of unused thermals and legwarmers, from distant, warmer than usual, friends.


Thanks to the insights of the wool wearing Madame Julie, I have learned that the reason multiple cardigans are not improving my temperatures (3 identical cardigans at last count) is because said cardigans are made of cotten, silk and something, and are by her definition Spring cardigans!

I have to exercise restraint in the matter of acquiring a fourth identical pointless cardigan. I find such comfort when clothing is identical. Perhaps it is all those years of wearing a school uniform, or some other neurological reasoning, like not actually having to take up any brain space making a decision about what is to be worn, ever. A tic, I accept it’s a tic.

Churchill runover

Today I was contemplating how to recover from the awful sight of the accident I witnessed on Sunday, as it has made me very jittery and I keep seeing the poor cyclist airborne. I’ve been observing how shock physicalizes into certain muscles in the body and working with those muscles, while recognizing the need to not do very much, except drink ginger tea, meet my daily responsibilities and wait until it passes. This being nothing compared to the poor man who took the flight.

I am very lucky that my daily life and my co-habitants can facilitate this. None of us are adverse to lying around reading and we need plenty of down time which we treasure, even when heart rates are not higher than usual.

And sometimes subjects converge in interesting ways. My son was watching a documentary series on Churchill for some research. For whatever reason I started in 4 parts in on Part 1 by accident. It began with Churchill and Michael Collins and the treaty and moved through his poor handling of the 1926 General Strike and woeful attitude to breaking the miners and on. It then moved into his 10 year period where he was out of politics. He travelled to America on a lecture tour and lo and behold the pictures informed us was hit, quite seriously, by a taxi in New York. He wrote an article about it and earned a much needed (read extravagant lifestyle) five thousand pounds.

I went in search of the article and lo agus behold encore this was what I found

I have been squinting and one paragraph on the left hand side of the piece, but have a hard time making out the words.

It may read:

“There was one moment — I cannot measure it is time — of a world aglare (?) a man aghast. I certainly thought quickly enough I am going to be run down and probably killed. Then came the blow.”

When I read it or squinted it, I unfortunately could hear the blow.

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