Anakana Schofield

tea blends: the goodbye blend #3

Due to a kitchen full of tins of tea I’ve begun making mixed-media teapots each day, mixing ’em all up. I shall list blends #1 and # 2 when I have a min but today blend #3

The last tsp of Steeps Lady Earl Grey (silver tin)

2 tsp of the stale 11  yr old Clive McCabe Kenyan leaves given to me by the glorious Mary Mac

half a tsp of Steeps Lapsong souchong (which I mistakenly called lapsang duchong til I just read the tin)

It’s a goodbye tea blend, since it’s the last day of the year. And the first cup out of the pot I must confess I hesitate over. It couldn’t quite decide whether it was willing to give up any strident taste to the tongue. I return for the second cup now and we’ll see does she lower her resistance?

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