Anakana Schofield

Back of the van

It’s time again as storm watching and free thinking season approaches to rebonjour the blogola.

I have acquired, after some trepidation and rather a Sopranos style transaction, a van designed for the purpose of following the wind.

Unfortunately as is usually the case in my impulsive moments. I sat in the said van not 5 minutes later and a peculiar orange light flashed, saying Check Engine. Followed by a gross outburst of spluttering and let’s just say the wind will need to be got back up the van before the van may safely follow the wind.

I am considering venturing under the bonnet and may acquire an education to this end.

Needless to say the transaction took place under the umbrella of it’s my ninety year old mother’s car.

Me well I am a mother, so if you’re lying you won’t go to heaven.

A small investigation by the Puffin produced numerous Hello Kitty toys stashed in the armrest.

No Responses to “Back of the van”

  • Sara O'Leary says:

    Oh me, oh my.

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