Anakana Schofield


B.C. coast shaken by powerful earthquake so the headline last Thursday read… A 5.8 earthquake that shook the ocean floor.

I had to wonder how it could be described as powerful if no one except the marine life felt it. Followed by affront… no mention of it on google alerts earthquakes. The stories that landed that day included nothing about our powerful one. I had to find out about it from the CBC. What’s the point in Google alerts if they don’t alert you. Tho’ I think an earthquake tends to assert itself …

It got me thinking about earthquake kits and necessary inclusions: good chocolate, strong scotch. No point in having teabags if there’s no kettle. I pondered it further what exactly is edible with no heat nor water? Crackers, canned fish, cold beans. All most unappetising in the event of catastrophe.

Have to recommend the MEC Wound Repair Kit which I treated myself to for a xmas present, mostly because it had detailed instructions on how to repair a wound.  Then not long afterwards I found a sling on sale. The Puffin unpacked it and now it will need to be retrieved from one of his teddy bears in the event of a rumble.

Always beneficial to be in calamity mode at least every three weeks.

Here are some charts to get you hyperventilating:

Our powerful one did make the US list of most powerful earthquakes in the world in the past week.

They have an earthquake notification service you can subscribe to.

Check out the epic number of quakes that have happened on the West Coast since Aug 29th. They’re more frequent than the bus service.

And finally preparez vous .. though I think the salt and pepper suggestion is a bit excessive. Why would you fuss about not having salt for your crackers, if your entire ceiling has caved in and you are sitting in a hole.

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