Anakana Schofield

To stay or go

A browse at a charity shop yesterday made me think  it’s as interesting to consider what people do not throw out, as much as what they do chuck.

People do not dump Scrabble. They do toss Scrabble Junior, Trivial Pursuit, odd looking games that may be inspired by tv shows that I would recognize if I could find any tv shows, but my television has gone on a strike refuses to display any pictures except fizz. Jigsaw puzzles. Bakelite ovens, whatever they may be. Gilbert and Sullivan records. 

The best thing I spotted was a foot spa … with the water still in it.  A red petrol canister nearby made me wonder if it too came complete with fuel.

In a burst of nostalgia I considered bringing home a hoover that we had in our house back in 1975. But the other four vacuums presently co habiting in my cupboard do not deserve another pal to the tune of 34 dollars.  Really 34 bucks. Charity shopping is enjoying a very high rate of inflation these days. Gone are the days of picking up a nifty old radio to gather dust.

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