Anakana Schofield

Another air pocket: been reading chunks of Thoreau’s Walden Pond, which I found my way to courtesy of RLS essay on him in familiar studies of men and books, a palm sized red book (cosmopolitan magazine New York, a medallion edition, whatever that means)  which I picked up by chance in a charity shop last week for a quarter. I collect palm sized books because I find them very comfortable to read while I am walking. I am a small person, so my hands aren’t terribly big by any standard, but I find these old books very agreeable visually as well. I have no idea why. This one has very few paragraphs indented in it, if any.

Others I have are from the Modern Library I think. I’ll have to examine them.

I enjoy “reading out” from writers, I also enjoy the maze and circuitous route by which some books or even parts of books arrive in our lives. Often in the last year I have found books discarded on the side of the road! And sometimes it will be a title someone has mentioned in passing and eh voila there it is looking up from the pavement at me. P’haps that’s why I tend to look down a great deal these days.

Chanced upon books via writers or other books or mentions or because you tripped over it on the bus or found it cover less at a jumble sale. Post your tales in comments …..